Miljøøkonomisk konference 2022

De Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat arrangerede den 15. miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Kurhotel Skodsborg den 25. og 26. august 2022.

Konferencen bød på keynote oplæg af professor  M. Scott Taylor, University of Calgary, Canada indenfor emnet "Grøn vækst".

Udover keynote oplæg var der to special sessioner indenfor emnerne "Kemikalier i vores hverdag" og "Road pricing i Danmark" samt abstract præsentationer af deltagernes eget arbejde.

Program for konferencen 

Præsentationer 2022

Professor M. Scott Taylor, "Grøn vækst"
Video fra konferencen

Special session "Kemikalier i vores hverdag":
Introduktion ved Camilla K. Damgaard, afdelingsleder Niras
Oplæg ved Christine Nellemann, direktør DTU Fødevareinstituttet
Oplæg ved Henrik Søren Larsen, kontorchef Miljøministeriet
Oplæg ved Bjørn Hansen, tidligere direktør ECHA

Special spession "Road pricing i Danmark":
Introduktion ved Mogens Fosgerau,  professor Økonomisk Institut, KU
Oplæg ved Ole Lykke Christensen, tolling direktør Sund & Bælt
Oplæg ved Per Skumsager Hansen, chefkonsulent Transportministeriet
Oplæg ved Otto Anker Nielsen, professor DTU Management

Årets aftentaler var astrofysiker Henrik Svensmark, DTU Space

Abstracts 2022

Torsdag den 25. august 2022

Climate and households
Sessionsleder: Peder Andersen

Profitability striving or environmental protection – what drives the adoption intention of residential low-carbon technologies?
(Fabian Scheller) 

An energy system perspective on residential demand side flexibility: Flavor or critical ingredient for the green transition
(Kristoffer Steen Andersen) 

Accepting remote control of household appliances, is more information less efficient?
(Laura Mørch Andersen) 

Sessionsleder: Mikael Skou Andersen

First and Second Best Environmental Taxation of Plastics and Their Substitutes
(Tenaw G. Abate) 

Wind Turbines and the Housing Market
(Carsten Andersen) 

Externalities from the Danish agriculture production
(Andreas Lund Jørgensen ) 

Climate and municipality
Sessionsleder: Signe Krarup

Implementing Socially Acceptable Nature-Based Solutions in Europe
(Ramazan Sari) 

Climate adaptation in the Danish Municipalities: Is the current order adequate?
(Christian Brøndum, Casper Ladefoged and Mathias Sixten) 

What are the costs of nature-based solutions
(Toke Panduro)

Firm behaviour
Sessionsleder: Katarina Elofsson

The Drivers of Private and Public Eco-Innovations in Six Large Countries 
(Katarina Elofsson) 

The Impact of Offshoring and Import Competition on Firm-level Carbon Emissions
(August Twile Nielsen) 

The Impact of Catch crop Subsidy on Farm Economic and Environmental Performance: Empirical Evidence from Denmark
(Abrha Teklay Abay) 

Fredag den 26. august 2022 

Sessionsleder: Ulrik Beck

Pricing Carbon
(Frikk Nesje)

The social discount rate of ordinary Danes
(Ulrik Beck)

The effects of climate policy on the real interest rate
(Cecilie Marie Løchte Jørgensen) 

Agriculture and water
Sessionsleder: Mette Termansen

Agri-environmental scheme design: Insights from integrated environmental-economic modelling 
(Mette Termansen)

Cost-effective implementation of the WFD in Denmark
(Berit Hasler)

Green GDP: Valuation of the water environment since 1990
(Thor Donsby Noe) 

Sessionsleder: Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen

Trust, Temperature Fluctuations, and Migration
(Marcella Veronesi)

Climate Policy in the Shadow of National Security
(Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen) 

The North Sea energy island risks creating a green paradox through the EU ETS
(Marc Skov Jacobsen) 

CO2 tax – not in my backyard
(Ugur Soytas)

Sessionsleder: Søren Bøye Olsen

Forests as a heterogeneous amenity – a multiple markets hedonic second-stage analysis
(Marie Lautrup)

Crowdsourced Travel Cost Method
(Daniel Gulde)

How consequential is consequentiality? Testing impacts of survey consequentiality in an environmental Stated Choice Experiment
(Søren Bøye Olsen) 

Recreational values of forests
(Lasse Læbo Matthiesen)