Miljøøkonomisk konference 2015

De Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat arrangerede den 8. årlige miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Skodsborg Hotel og Spa den 27.-28. august 2015.

Her kan du finde materialer fra konferencen.


Abstracts 2015

27. august 2015 i Dannersalonen

Keynote session ved Professor Lawrence H. Goulder: Climate change policy: Economics, fairness, and political feasibility

Keynote session ved Professor Kerry Smith: General equilibrium assessment of environmental policies: Reconciling spatial granularity with economic wide scale

Aftenoplæg ved Philippe Grandjean: Chemicals on the brain

28. august 2015

1. session i Dannersalonen

Land owners’ motivation for supply of energy crops: Barriers, spatial heterogeneity, and neighbour effects (M.T. Konrad)

Preliminary results from a large field experiment inducing flexibility in household power consumption (L.G. Hansen)

Measuring the rebound effect with micro data (I. Mulalic)

1. session i Louisesalen

Modelling respondents’ comfort for taste and scale heterogeneity in stated choice experiments: An application of the scaling approach on SCUBA diving characteristics (D. Emang)

Appropriate payment vehicles in stated preference studies in emerging economies (S. Hassan)

Is willingness to pay for visualised landscapes amenities using web surveys sensitive to screen size? (J. Ladenburg)

2. session i Dannersalonen

Modelling cost-effective strategies for managing trade-offs between water and climate regulation in the Baltic Sea region (D. Nainggolan)

Farmer preferences for measures to reduce nitrogen losses to the water environment in Denmark (L.B. Hansen)

European attitudes to water pricing: Recovery of environment and resource costs (A. Kejser)

From theory to practical implementation (K.S. Lauger)

2. session i Louisesalen

Current Danish and European environmental policy (S. Anthon)

A cost-benefit spreadsheet model for environmental problems (T.Lund-Sørensen and M. Kromann)

The economics of a discard ban policy: Aspects of implementing the EU discard ban (P. Andersen)

Quantifying the welfare gain from switching to tax regulation for fisheries (F. Jensen)

3. session i Dannersalonen

Economic analysis of preventing introduction of ragweed in Denmark (J.S. Schou)

Regulation of riparian buffer strips: Land allocation and opportunity costs (K.C. Uggeldahl)

Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for edible insects as food in Kenya: The case of termites (M.H. Alemu)

3. session i Louisesalen

Economy wide and energy system impacts of Danish fossil fuel phase out - medium to long term effects (K.S. Andersen)

Uncertainty in climate economic modelling: Does time preference matter for rolling the DICE? (S. Dockweiler)

The visual impact of wind turbines: Guidelines for stated preference studies (P. Hevia-Koch)

4. session i Dannersalonen

Linking climate change perceptions to adaptation and mitigation action (S.L. Jørgensen)

Preferences for forest characteristics: Does heterogeneity between stands matter? (A. Filyushkina)

The demand for urban green space, welfare effects and their sensitivity to the specification of the good (T.E. Panduro)

4. session i Louisesalen

Quantifying the costs of abating global climate change using the COMPARE model (S. Dockweiler)

Electricity consumption: Behavioural response to text messages urging household to shift consumption (M.R. Holm)

Free energy advice to encourage energy retro-fits: Who is reached? (S. Petersen)