Miljøøkonomisk konference 2016

De Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat arrangerede den 9. årlige miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Skodsborg Hotel og Spa den 25.- 26. august 2016.


De to keynotes var: Catherine L. Kling, USA og Hunt Allcott, USA.

PowerPoint-præsentationen fra Cathrine L. Klings keynote er tilgængelig her og Hunt Allcotts keynote her.

Der blev afholdt en paneldebat vedrørende omkostningerne ved dansk klimapolitik og støtte til vindmøller. Deltagernes debatindlæg kan ses ved at følge linkene nedenfor:

Paneldebat - overordnede spørgsmål
Peter Birch Sørensen (Københavns Universitet/Klimarådet)
Lars Gårn Hansen (Københavns Universitet/De Økonomiske Råd
John Nordbo (WWF Danmark)
Otto Brøns-Petersen (CEPOS)

Abstracts 2016

25. august 2016

1. session i Dannersalonen

Synergies in land use measures to improve water quality and climate regulation (M. Konrad).

Substituting cereal-based pig feed with grass protein from green biorefinery: is it an economic and environmentally sustainable way for agriculture? (R. Cong).

Incentives for nitrogen effects trading: A Danish Farmer Survey (L. B. Hansen).

Land consolidation used for facilitating multifunctional land allocation processes (J. S. Schou).

1. session i Louisesalen

Directed technical change, environmental sustainability and population growth
(P. K. Kruse-Andersen).

Socio-economic analyses of regulating wood burning stoves in Denmark
(M. N. Källstrøm).

Specialefremlæggelse: Economically efficient energy regulation scheme of firms in Denmark. (V. Busk).

Green transition of individual and central heating in Denmark. (På dansk) (H. Jensen og D. Grinderslev).

Aftenoplæg ved Peter Sandøe: Animal welfare matters - but how should economists count it in?

26. august 2016

2.  session i Dannersalonen

Recruiting electricity consumers to greener power programs - investigating the effects of persuasive advertising through a large field experiment (C. L. Jensen).

How can a sustainability entrepreneur facilitate a transition from brown to green energy? The renewable energy island of Samsø (U. S. Brandt).

Inducing pro-social behavior in the power system (L. G. Hansen).

2. session i Louisesalen

Valuing coastal recreation in Denmark using a random utility modelling framework (U. Aslam).

The demand for urban diversity - a multiple markets approach (T.E. Panduro).

Specialefremlæggelse: Forsyningssikkerhed i fremtidens energisystem (E. N. Jensen).

3. session i Dannersalonen

The value of statistical life in Denmark (M. H. Kjeldsen).

The futurity of climate mitigation co-benefits: valuing statistical lives or life years? (M. S. Andersen).

3. session i Louisesalen

Optimal rotation periods: an application of contract theory to forest regulation (F. Jensen).

Specialefremlæggelse:  $20-bills on the ground? An investigation of the Energy Efficiency Gap in the light of households' potential present bias (M. Stolberg-Larsen).

Drought and groundwater management (F. Jensen).

4. session i Dannersalonen

Green National Accounts for Denmark (I. Vind).

Waste accounts - a module in the Green National Accounts for Denmark (P. R. Jensen).

A model for the global phosphorus demand (J. Helin).

4. session i Louisesalen

Group specific final ecosystem services and tailored stated preference design (A. Kejser).

Danish citizens' preferences for buffer strips: an economic valuation study (K. Uggeldahl).

Testing spatial preferences response patterns in choice experiments: a comparison between Cheap Talk, Opt-Out Reminder and a control group (J. C. Bjerregaard).