Miljøøkonomisk konference 2018

De Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat arrangerede den 11. miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Kurhotel Skodsborg den 23. og 24. august 2018.

Konferencen i 2018 bød på oplæg af to internationale kapaciteter i form af professor Paul Ferraro, Johns Hopkins University, og professor Bård Harstad, University of Oslo. Udover keynote-talerne var der parallelle sessioner med præsentation af deltagernes eget arbejde samt en paneldebat om brug af samfundsøkonomiske analyser i miljøpolitik. 

Powerpoint præsentationer

Professor Paul Ferraro, USA
Bård Harstad, Norge

Professor Otto Anker Nielsen

Henrik Studsgaard, departemenschef i Miljø- og Fødevareministeret
Bo Jellesmark Thorsen, professor og institutleder, KU
Camilla Damgaard, afdelingschef hos Nira
Lars Gårn Hansen, professor, KU, medlem af formandskabet for De Økonomiske Råd
Thomas Bue Bjørner, kontorchef i De Økonomiske Råds sekretariat

Abstracts 2018

Torsdag/Thurday den 23.  august 2018

DANNERSALONEN  -  Klimapolitik | Climate Policy
Sessionsleder: Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen

1. session 
Energy taxes and cost-effective climate policy
Frederick Silbye

2. session
North Sea offshore grid - integration towards 2050
Lise-Lotte Pade

3. session
Endogenizing the cap in a cap-and-trade system: assessing the agreement on EU ETS phase 4 
Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen

LOUISESALEN  -  Regulering  | Regulation
Sessionsleder: Peder Andersen

1. session 
Regulation of location specific externalities arising from small scale polluters
Lars Gårn Hansen

2.  session
When cooperation induces a public good. Fisheries management in the spirit of Elinor Ostrom
Lone Grønbæk

3. session
Consequences of Recovering Enforcement Costs: The Fisheries Case
Peder Andersen

Fredag/Friday den 24. august 2018


1. session - Værdisætning | Valuation
Sessionsleder: Jesper Sølver Schou

Pricing Nature: 25 years of Economic Valuation Studies in Denmark
Jesper Sølver Schou

New environmental ’default’ values of nature- and environmental values - possibilities and limitations Marianne Zandersen

Private amenity values of forestry
Jette Bredahl

3. session - Landbrugets udledninger | Agricultural emissions
Sessionsleder: Ulrik Richardt Beck

Cost-effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Technologies in Danish agriculture 
Alex Dubgaard

Cost efficient regulation of Danish agricultural greenhouse gases 
Ulrik Richardt Beck

Cost of regulating ammonia emissions from livestock farms near Natura 2000 areas 
Brian Jacobsen

4. session - Jagt og fiskeri | Hunting and fishing
Sessionsleder: Hans Frost

Dynamic Adjustment Paths in Predator-Prey Models 
Hans Frost

Regulation of Moose Hunting in Scandinavia. The Implications of Age-Structures Models 
Frank Jensen


1. session - Næringsstoffer | Nutrients
Sessionsleder: Brian Jacobsen

Farmers’ preferences for implementing agrienvironmental schemes - a cross country study 
Berit Hasler

Danish farmers’ preferences for bio-based fertilisers - a choice experiment 
Brian Jacobsen

An introduction to project LEAP – Legacies of Agricultural Pollutants 
Anne Kejser Jensen

2. session - Vandrammedirektiv og biogas | Water Framework Directive and biogas
Sessionsleder: Kahsay Haile Zemo

Narrowing down from the broader perspective - the EU WFD and ND to the Danish agricultural nitrogen policies: Assessing past guidelines, implementation and the way forward 
Noah Larvoe

Mussel farming as a nutrient reduction measure - a case study in Limfjorden, Denmark 
Raphael Filippelli

Impact of biogas plants on rural residential property values and implications for local acceptability 
Kahsay Haile Zemo

3. session - Værdisætning | Valuation
Sessionsleder: Anne Kejser Jensen

Economic Valuation using Choice Experiment - A case study of the cloudburst security projekt of Sct. Jørgens Lake 
Monica Mai Hansen

Willingness to pay to avoid flooding after a storm surge
Haien Lee Gundgaard

Childhood Nature Experiences and Adulthood Environmental Preferences
Anne Kejser Jensen

4. session - Energi og affald | Energy and waste
Sessionleder: Martin Rasmussen

Households and circular economy: Empirical insights on the economics of home waste sorting 
Berit Hasler

The price elasticity for residential heating
Martin Rasmussen