Miljøøkonomisk konference 2023

De Økonomiske Råds sekretariat arrangerede den 16. miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Kurhotel Skodsborg den 24. og 25. august 2023.

Konferencen bød på åbningstale af Klima-, energi- og forsyningsminister Lars Aagaard. Årets aftentale blev holdt af museumsinspektør og naturvejleder Morten D. D. Hansen, Naturhistorisk Museum, indenfor emnet biodiversitet.

Præsentationer 2023

Keynote: Professor John Hassler, Stockholms Universitet
Præsentation A macroeconomist's thoughts on climate and climate policy

Panel session "Fremtidens energisystem"
Oplæg ved Niels Buus Kristensen, næstformand for Klimarådet
Oplæg ved Søren Dupont Kristensen, CEO i Energinet
Oplæg ved Brian Vad Mathiesen, professor ved Aalborg Universitet
Oplæg ved Dogan Keles, professor ved DTU

Panel session "Klimatilpasning i kystzonen" 
Oplæg ved Toke Emil Panduro, seniorforsker ved Institut for Miljøvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet
Oplæg ved Kristian Hansted, kontorchef ved Kystdirektoratet
Oplæg ved Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, innovations- og digitaliseringsdirektør ved Rambøll
Oplæg ved Johannes Poeschl, Senior Research Economist ved Danmarks Nationalbank


Torsdag  den  24.  august


Green transition (micro and macro perspectives)

Waste, biodiversity and agriculture
Sessionsleder: Jesper Jespersen Michael Friis Pedersen

All in it together: A multilevel model to explore household characteristics of PV adoption intentions in Germany
(Karyn Morrisey)

Cost-benefit analysis of liberalizing the waste incineration sector
(Asbjørn Kamp Johannesen)


Technical and Economic Optimization of the PtX Value Chain
(Morten Hørmann)

Coordination mechanisms in collective agri-environmental programs: Experimental evidence
(Goytom Abraha Kahsay)


How to square the cycle: ‘Green Transition’ and Increased Welfare
(Jesper Jespersen)

Re-designing peatland conservation programs to improve their effect
(Michael Friis Pedersen)


In my backyard!?

House prices and energy
Sessionsleder: Carsten Andersen Frederik Læssøe Nielsen

Carbon Footprints on my Doorstep: Investigating the relationship between scope, spatial characteristics, and willingness to pay for CCS in Denmark
(Matteo Zuch)

Opportunities and Risks in the Residential Sector During a Green Transition: House Prices, Energy Renovations and Rising Energy Prices (Alessandro T. Martinello / Niels Framroze Møller)


Wind turbines and municipality borders
(Carsten Andersen)

Solar Parks Affect House Prices of Near Neighbors – The Actual
Compensation in Denmark is too Low

(Frederik Læssøe Nielsen)

Fredag  den  25.  august


Water and coast

Stated preferences CO2 tax and farmers
Sessionsleder: Søren Boye Olsen Kennet Uggeldahl Peter Birch Sørensen

Including social and nature vulnerabilities into flood risk assessments
(Urs Steiner Brandt)

Assessing the value of water quality improvements when time lags exist
(Tobias Holmsgaard Rønn)

Adaption of the Danish Farm Sector to a GHG-tax
(Jesper Sølver Schou)


Challenges and uncertainties in estimating damage costs of extreme flooding events illustrated by Danish case studies
(Kirsten Halsnæs)

Triggering Cooperation By Using Outside Options 
(Peter Martinsson)

Designing a Cost-Effective Climate Policy for the Agricultural Sector: Minimizing Carbon Leakage Risks
(Master thesis, Eva Birk Nielsen)


Incorporating time lags and outcome uncertainty in estimation of welfare benefits – a CBA of water quality improvements in Limfjorden
(Søren Boye Olsen)

Revealing lay people’s perception of biodiversity and its value using Q-methodology
(Kennet Uggeldahl)

A simple model for the economic effects of a greenhouse gas tax on Danish agriculture
(Peter Birch Sørensen)


CO2 tax

Air pollution
Sessionsleder: Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen Signe Anthon

Uniform CO2-taxation
(Allis Ougaard / Lea Rottbøll Kofoed)

Cleaning the Air? The Causal Effects of Traffic Restrictions
(Marcella Veronesi)


Climate gas tax and subsidies for cleaner technologies – how do we reach the goals without “yellow vests” (Christian Ege)

Air pollution and Test Scores: Impacts and Heterogeneity
(Timo Hener)


Incentivising International Climate Cooperation Through Trade Measures: Uniform Tariffs Versus BCA
(Master thesis, Charlotte Thejll-Oxborrow)

Estimating costs of technologies reducing ammonia emissions for finishers in pig production in Denmark for future BAT requirements (Brian Jakobsen)


Optimal unilateral climate policy with carbon leakage at the extensive and the intensive margin
(Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen)

Economic consequences of low emission zones for non-road machinery
(Signe Anthon)